Thursday, December 17, 2009

Medieval Maidens Try-It Program on Sunday, March 7

Girl Scouts of Central & Western Massachusetts is holding a Medieval Maidens Brownie Try-It program at the Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester on Sunday, March 7, from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
Princesses, fair ladies, nobles and peasants! Connect with the staff at Higgins Armory Museum to learn about girls and women in medieval times. Your day starts with a presentation in the auditorium and then it's off to do some hands-on learning...take a tour, learn a dance, do a craft and have fun earning your exclusive Council Medieval Maidens Try-It.
Cost is $15 per Brownie or Juliette Scout in grades 2 or 3.
$8 fee for leaders and or adult volunteers.
A minimum of 15 Brownies are needed to hold the program.
Registration will close when 30 Brownies or Juliette Scouts have registered or on Feb. 5th.
To register, contact Higgins Armory Museum, Rhonda, at 508-853-6015 x20 or

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Service Unit/Leader/Adult Volunteer Meeting Date Changed to Jan. 12th

Just wanted to let you all know that the date of our January 2010 meeting
has been moved from Tuesday, an. 5th to the following Tuesday, Jan. 12th (still
7-9 p.m.).
Apparently there are plans to unveil a school-wide redistricting
plan (with a goal of implementing elementary school changes in Sept. 2010) at
the School Committee meeting on Tuesday,
Jan. 5th --- and we feel many of our meeting attendees might want to go to that
meeting instead.
Hope to see you at the January 12th meeting.

Peace & Happy Holidays!
--- Nancy Solomon

MetroWest Girl Scout Cookie Rally on January 17th

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Council will host a Cookie Rally in the MetroWest Area (location TBD) on January, 17 from 2 to 4 p.m.
The event is for Daisy, Brownie, Junior, and Cadette level. Juliette Scouts in grades K-8 may also register.
Event info: Multilevel rally full of hands-on activities that will get girls excited about the cookie selling season! Goal setting, product info and promotions, safety tips and more!
Program Aides in Grades 7-12 are needed at this event. Program Aides attend free.
Registration deadline is Dec. 29.
Fee is $7 per Scout.
Leaders and adult volunteers are free.
To register, visit the Council Web site, and click on programs.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kerry O. Key Program for Cadette Scouts in Acton on Jan. 8th

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts is offering a "Kerry O. Key" program for Cadette Scouts and Juliette Scouts in grades 6-7-8 on January 8 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Acton Congregational Church on Concord Road, in Acton.
If your Scouts LOVE American Idol and you love to be challenged this is the program for YOU! Choose a song from the book, create a performance, and sing your face off during this team oriented karaoke challenge!
Registration is closing soon.
Cost to register is $10.50 per Scout. Leaders and adult volunteers are free.
To register, visit

Council Offers Movie Make-Up program for Senior & Ambassador levels

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts is holding a Make Up FX program on January 8, from 6 to 8 p.m. in Medfield. Senior & Ambassador Scouts and Juliette Scouts in grades 9-12 will learn from a pro how to turn an ordinary person into a movie make-up masterpiece.
Registration is closing soon.
Registration fee is $13 per Scout. Leaders and adult volunteers are free.
To register, visit the Council Web Site and click on programs.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Virtual Book Club for Cadette & Older Scouts Starts in January

Do you love to read? Join Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts' Virtual Book Club and Blog with other Cadette, Senior, & Ambassador Girl Scouts about your thoughts and feelings about books. Together, the group will chose books to read and discuss characters they love. The Club begins January 4th and runs through June 5, 2010.
Registration is required. Fee is $5 per Scout. Adults/leaders are free.
To register, visit the Council Web site, and click on programs.

101 Dalmatians Performance Offer for Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts can see a performance of 101 Dalmatians, at a discounted rate.
For details, visit

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Brownie Troop 2082 in MetroWest Daily News

CAPTION: Girl Scouts from Troop 2082 look to see Santa Claus as he makes his way through the crowd during last night's tree lighting ceremony at the Memorial Building in Framingham.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Framingham Scouts Holiday Sing-A-Long At Memorial Building

More than 50 Girl Scouts from Framingham led the crowd in a holiday sing-a-long tonight in anticipation of Santa & Mrs. Claus arriving on a firetruck at the Memorial Building. Then, the Scouts helped Santa count down to the lighting of the Framingham Christmas Tree. Afterwards, Scouts, families, and other residents were treated to hot cocoa and a performance by the all-elementary school band.
Below are a few photos from the Scout sing-a-long: