Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Field Trip & Outing Ideas List

This is a list of field trip & outing options for Framingham Girl Scouts. The list is divided up by geographic areas. (It will be updated regularly.)
For more information on what the location or organization offers Girl Scouts visit the link next to each. Some have information on this blog. Others will refer you to the organization or museum's Web site.
* Framingham Fire Headquarters - 508-620-4942 - call to arrange a troop tour.
* Framingham Library - 508-532-5570 - call to arrange a troop tour
* Framingham High School Drama Productions -- http://framinghamflyers.com/Drama/FHS%20Drama%20Club.htm
* Performing Arts Center of MetroWest -
* Center for the Arts in Natick -
* Framingham Public Access TV Studios - http://fpac.wordpress.com/classes/
* Framingham Police Station - 508-872-1212 - call to arrange a troop tour
* U.S. Post office in Framingham (main branch) - 508-275-8777 - call to see if a troop tour can be arranaged.
* Home Depot workshops - (Natick) - Offers FREE How-to Clinics for Children ages 5-12 the first Saturday of each month between 9 a.m. and noon. For a schedule of projects planned visit: http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ContentView?pn=Kids_Workshops&langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053
* Loring Arena -- Ice Skating
* PETCO - (Natick) Offers 60 and 90 minute FREE field trips (Fur, Feathers & Fins Program) -- http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/09/petco-natick-offers-field-trips-for.html
* American Girl at Natick Collection - NEW - opening Nov. 1, 2008
* Limited Too at Natick Collection (fashion program) - http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/07/limited-too-stores-offers-fashion.html
* Whimsy - arts & crafts - (Framingham)
*AC MOORE - (Framingham) - Contact store to see if you can set up a specific workshop or class for your troop.
Michael's - Arts & Crafts programs (Natick) - Special The Knack projects on Saturday mornings for children ages 5-12. Contact store to see if you can set up a specific workshop or class for your troop.
* Danforth Museum of Art - Framingham - Museum offers Try-it, Badge, & Interest workshops to meet Girl Scout handbook requirement. See: http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/danforth-museum-of-art-in-framingham.html
* Plaster Fun Time - Natick - Paint your own pottery store. Group discounts and can work with troops on badge requirements. www.plasterfuntime.com/groups.html
* Build A Bear Workshop - (Natick Collection) - http://www.buildabear.com/
* Garden in the Woods - Framingham - Offers nature & science programming geared to children. May accommodate special programming encores of current offerings for Scout troops and may work with Scout troops to earn specific Try-Its or Badges. Current programming offered: www.newfs.org/learn/children
* Mass Audubon's Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary - (Natick) - Offers programs which meet requirements for Brownie, Junior, & Cadette badges, among other programs. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/mass-audubons-broadmoor-wildlife.html
* Natick Community Organic Farm (Natick) - Offers programs for Daisy, Brownie, Junior & Cadette Scouts. Overnight program too. Meets Try-It and Badge requirements. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/natick-community-organic-farm-offers.html
* Belkin Family Lookout Farm - (Natick) - Field trips, tours, hayride, bee observatory, petting zoo, burlap maze, apple & pumpkin picking, U-pick events, etc. www.lookoutfarm.com/group-events/field-trips.asp
* Whole Foods (Framingham) -- Scout tours can focus on geography, the environment, sustainability, and healthy choices. Contact: pirjo.silen@wholefoods.com.
*Comcast IMAX Theatre at Jordan's Furniture - (Natick) - Group discounts on shows. http://www.jordansimax.com/
* Fairway Bowling - (Natick) - 508-653-5820
* Golf on The Village Green - miniature golf - (Natick) - 508-653-4671

* Girl Scout Museum - Waltham
* Hannaford's Supermarkets (Marlboro & Hudson locations) -- http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/09/hannaford-supermarkets-offer-tours-for.html
* Breakneck Hill (Southborough) hiking -
* Rainforest Cafe -- Burlington Mall -
* Tasty Treat & Minature Golf - (Ashland) 508-881-1224
* Great Brook Farm - Carisle - Canoeing, Fishing, Hiking, Cross-country skiing, etc. http://www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/northeast/gbfm.htm
* Gore Place - Waltham. Offers Brownie & Junior badge requirement programs. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/gore-place-in-waltham-offers-brownie.html
* Orchard House - Concord. Offers Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, and older Scouting programs. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/orchard-house-in-concord-offers.html
* Fruitlands Museum - Harvard. Offers historical programs. Call for details. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/fruitlands-museum-offers-tours-other.html
* Spellman Museum of Stamps & Postal History in Weston. Offers prograsm for all Girl Scout Levels. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/spellman-museum-of-stamps-postal.html

* Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester -- http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/09/higgins-armory-museum-in-worcester.html
* Davis' Farmland - Sterling. Offers group rates. http://www.davisfarmland.com/new-site/groups.html
* Davis' MegaMaze - Sterling. Open (depending on weather & crop) August through November. Offers group rates. http://www.davisfarmland.com/megamaze/groups.html

* Boston Symphony Orchestra -- Spring Classical Musical Family Concerts. Offers tours and can customize a program for a Troop. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/boston-symphony-offers-tours-concerts.html
5W!ts - Boston. Offers Group programs for Scouts. This event presents a mind-bending adventure of sights, sounds, and action. Recommended for Junior level or older. http://www.5-wits.com/groups/yandc.php
* The Boston Rock Gym - Woburn - Offers Rock Climbing programs. Willing to work with Scouts/troops. http://www.bostonrockgym.com/youth_programs.htm
* Boston Duck Tours - Boston. Group rates. www.bostonducktours.com/tickets_main.aspx
* Boston Harbor Islands Tour - Boston. www.nps.gov/boha/forteachers/planafieldtrip.htm
* Boston Movie Tours - Boston. Appropriate for Cadette level or older Scout. Group rates available. http://www.bostonmovietours.net/pages/groupsstudent.html

* American Textile History Museum in Lowell -- http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/09/american-textile-museum-in-lowell.html
* Trapeze School - Reading (at Jordan's Furniture) - Willing to work with Scout Troops - http://boston.trapezeschool.com/
* Salem Witch Museum - Salem - Group rates. http://www.salemwitchmuseum.com/about/groups.shtml
* Seven Seas Whale Watch - Gloucester - http://www.7seas-whalewatch.com/
* Wolf Hollow - Ipswich - http://www.wolfhollowipswich.org/
* Wenham Museum - Wenham - Offers Try-It & badge requirement programs. Willing to work with Troops to customize a program for Brownies and older troops. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/wenham-museum-offers-scout-programs.html

* FULLER CRAFT MUSEUM in Brockton -- http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/fuller-craft-museum-in-brockton-offers.html
* PLIMOUTH PLANTATION -- www.framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/plimouth-plantation-offer-scouting.html
*Buttonwood Zoo in New Bedford. Offers several group programs. Ask if they can create a program for a specific Try-It or Badge. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/buttonwood-zoo-in-new-bedford-offers.html
*New England Wildlife Center in South Weymouth. Offers Educational and group programs. Ask to have a program created to fit a Try-It or a badge. http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/10/new-england-wildlife-center-in-south.html
* Battleship Cove -- Fall River. Offers Educational programs. http://www.battleshipcove.org/education-schools.htm

* Maria Mitchell Aquarium on Nantucket -- http://framinghamgirlscouts.blogspot.com/2008/08/maria-mitchell-aquarium-on-nantucket.html

* Canobie Lake Park -- Offers Discounted Scout Day annually

NOTE: Last updated on 10/21/2008

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