Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome to the start of another Girl Scout year!

Welcome back Girl Scout leaders!!

First, I want to acknowledge outgoing Framingham Girl Scouts Town Coordinator Nancy Solomon. I want to thank Nancy for the endless volunteers hours she gave to the service unit and the cooperative attitude she always offered all the leaders. Nancy will still be involved with Framingham Girl Scouts but wanted to focus her efforts on her daughter's Troop at this time. I have agreed to be Town Coordinator, with help from Council. (If you have any ideas or thoughts, please contact me at

1) Many of the Framingham Troops took advantage of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEM) Spring registration. Troops that have not registered, may pick up their registration packet at Plymouth Church. If you have any questions or issues, please contact our NEW Service Unit (SU) Registrar Mary Ann Sagar at masager5@.... (I want to thank out-going registrar Deb Brisbois for her many years of service.)

2) Troop Coordinator Lauren Fawell will be holding registration for NEW Scouts, leaders, & adult volunteers on:

* Sunday, Oct 3 at 2 p.m. at St. Bridget School

* Monday, Oct 4 at First United Methodist Church at 7 p.m.

Council will be delivering the flyers for the FPS & other schools in town this week. I know a couple of our leaders are involved with the PTOs and it would be much appreciated if you could take the flyers for your school. Please e-mail me if you can pick up and deliver flyers for your school. Distribution will take place on Friday, Sept 17. (Supt office has APPROVED the flyers.)

3) The first Service Unit event will be a Science Try-It & Badge Workshop on Sunday, Oct 3. I will be posting a flyer with details and registration information this week. Mary Ann is chairing the event.

4) There will be a meeting of the SERVICE UNIT TEAM MEMBERS ONLY on Tuesday, Sept 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Plymouth Church.

5) The first Framingham Scout leader (and adult volunteer) meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct 19 at 7 p.m. at Plymouth Church.

Other Leader Meeting dates at Plymouth Church at 7 p.m. include:

* Nov. 23

* Dec. 7 (CORI registration & renewal 7 to 7:30 p.m.) Cookie University 7:30 p.m.

* Jan. 25

* Feb. 15

* March 22

* April 26

* May 24

E-mail any time with ideas, concerns, thoughts, or issues.

Please check the Framingham Girl Scout Web site for SU updates, including GSEM Council and out-of-council programs.

I will be posting Girl Scout Night at the Ringling Bros. Circus this week, too.

The Web site is

- Framingham Town Coordinator Susan Scully Petroni