Friday, January 30, 2009

Framingham Girl Scout Leader Meeting

Tuesday, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. at Plymouth House Church.

COUNCIL EVENT: Music Mania for Brownies on March 21 in Rockland

Girl Scout Council of Eastern Massachusetts if offering a special Music Mania program for Brownies on Saturday, March 21 in Rockland. The program includes folk dancing, make your own musical instrument, and create and master your rhythm.
The program will be held at the Jefferson Elementary School, at 34 James Street in Rockland. Registration is $9 per Brownie. Adults are free.
For additional information and to register visit the council's program Web page at:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

COUNCIL EVENT: Junior Puzzlers badge Workshop in Norton

Eastern Massachusetts Girl Scout Council is offering Puzzlers: A Junior Badge Workshop on March 11 from 5;30 to 7:30 p.m. in Norton.
The badge workshop features mazes, crosswords, math tricks and magic -- all of these involve working with puzzles. Test your brain power by solving or creating these unique puzzles. The price includes the badge.
The workshop will be held at Camp Edith Read, 79 North Worcester Street, in Norton. The cost is $9 per Scout. Chaperones are free.
For more information and to register, visit

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

COUNCIL EVENT: Explore Space

Explore Space! Discover Life?: What lies beyond our solar system? How do we look for life on other planets? Discover new planets, observe new life forms and design useful gadgets for collecting space samples, through fun, hands-on experiments.
Eastern Massachusetts Girl Scout Council is offering this special event for Daisy and Brownie Scouts on Saturday, Feb 28 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Taunton Elks Club at 119 High St., The cost is $8 per girl. Adult chaperones are free. Individual scouts and Juliette Scouts can register but an adult must register with them.
For additional information and to register visit

Monday, January 26, 2009

COUNCIL EVENT: Brownie Try It program in Maynard on Sunday, March 8

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Council is offering Little Breeze, Big Wind on Sunday, March 8 from 2 to 4 p.m. for Brownies in grades 2 & 3 only.
Brownie Movers Try-It badge.
Program info: The wind can create a gentle breeze or a powerful hurricane. An airplane couldn’t fly without the wind blowing on its wings. Can you make things that are powered by the wind and have fun doing it?
Location: Maynard Elks Lodge, 34 Powder Mill Rd, Maynard
Cost: $9 Brownie & $0 adult/leader
Please check with a troop leader if your daughter would like to attend.
This is not a drop-off and pick-up event, so if a troop leader is not attending a parent will need to stay.
Registration deadline: Friday, Feb. 6 or until registration fills up.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies Safe from Peanut Recall

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts wants to assure the public that two bakers of peanut butter Girl Scout cookies are not affected by the peanut butter recall. The peanut butter used by ABC Bakers' Peanut Butter Sandwich and Peanut Butter Patty cookies is not linked to the recall. According to ABC Bakers', they do not source peanut butter from either PCA or King Nut. ABC Bakers' peanut butter supplier is Hampton Farms. Further, incoming peanut butter shipments are tested for salmonella to prevent contamination of our products. ABC Bakers is the company used by Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts for their cookie sales. Little Brownie Bakers also announced in a statement that their products are not made with peanut butter tied to the recall. The company said that they do not use peanut butter supplied by the Peanut Corporation of America which is the focus of the FDA Investigation.

The annual Girl Scout cookie sale began on January 5th and ends March 15th.
Stock up while you can! This year Girl Scout cookies include Thin Mints, Caramel deLites; Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Lemonades, Thanks-A-Lot and the brand new Daisy Go Rounds, in honor of Daisy Girl Scouts sell Girl Scout cookies for the first time! The Daisy Go Rounds contain five grab-and-go snack packs full of crispy cinnamon flowers blooming with flavor in every bite. All the eight varieties of cookies are lower in trans fat per serving than FDA regulations.

.For more information about the Girl Scout cookie sale, please visit

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


St. Bridget Church and St. George's Church will both host Girl Scout Sunday in March
Below is the details.
If your daughter is interested in attending, please have her Troop leader contact the organizers (c0ntact info is below).
PS: It is a family event but we would love it if the girls and the leaders would sit together in assigned seating! Please remember to wear your sash or vest to this event!

Sunday, March 8: 9 a.m. St. Bridget Church (downstairs)
Contact: Mary Ann Sager at 508-872-4989 or

Details: All Girl Scouts, Leaders, and their families are invited to join St. Bridget Parish as we celebrate Girl Scout Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to wear their uniforms and sit together in the reserved pews near the front of the church. It is recommended that the girls arrive by 8:45 a.m. to be seated in the reserved area. It is encouraged to have Safety wise adults sit with the girls in the reserved section. As a reminder we are there representing the Town of Framingham Girl Scouts and are guests to the church, please help keep the girls quiet before, during and after the Mass. Contact Mary Ann ASAP if a girl in your Troop is interested in the following:
* Like to participate in the Mass as readers, altar servers, gift bearers, or door greeters. Please call early for this first come first serve opportunity.
* With an approximate number of attendees to ensure adequate seating and for your troopʼs number to be displayed at the end of the pew.
* Final decision for helpers will be made on Feb. 28th
Since this will be a family event an Activity Application Form for the town will NOT be completed. Feel free to complete the form for your troop if you wish.

Girl Scout Sunday at St. George's Church in Framingham for 10:30 a.m. upstairs.
Details: 10:30 a.m. upstairs church with refreshments to follow in the meeting hall downstairs
The girls will be invited after Communion to sing together This Little Light of Mine
We will also need troops to volunteer to set up the refreshments, we would like each troop to bring either a beverage or baked good for everyone to share.
We need a Reader (can be a mom/dad and daughter?)
Greeter's for before Mass and After to welcome to the Meeting Hall
We would like to have a head count from troops by February 22nd so we can plan accordingly. Contacts: Missy at or Patty Hebert at .
It is a family event but we would love it if the girls and the leaders would sit together in assigned seating! Please remember to wear your sash or vest to this event!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Girl Scout Leader january 2009 Meeting Summary

Introductions/Attendance: 6 leaders/volunteers present
Cookies: “Cookie University” was held at the Plymouth Church at the Dec 2 meeting, questions/concerns to Helena. Delivery date is scheduled for Tues, Feb 10 at St George Hall. Helena will send out an e-mail the week before with your troop’s scheduled pick up time, remember “many hands make for light work” any volunteers that sign up to help that morning will be able to take their cookies first
Bridging: Discussion on Bridging to be held at the next meeting due to low attendance, we will ask a council representative to attend and explain any new criteria/suggestions for Bridging in light of the newly instituted Girl Scout levels
Troop #’s: You will notice that with the merge of councils and our new council name = Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass we also have an adjustment to our troop numbers. Previously the numbers were 4 digits, to be sure there are no duplicates since the merge any troops in the old “Patriot’s Trail Council” will now have a “7” to start their troop number.
So if your troop number was “2125” it will now be noted as “72125”
Each leader may decide whether to add the extra 7 to the uniform or not, but please when contacting the council, especially at registration time please do note your NEW troop number.
Library Display: Nancy is going to try and get March for the Girl Scout display, she expects it may not be until 2010
Girl Scout Sunday (Details to post on this Web site soon)
Please contact Mary Ann if your girls are interested in attending to reserve a pew with your troop number, helpers = Altar Servers, Readers, Gift Bearers, and Door Greeters are needed and are assigned on a first come first serve basis.
next Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. at Plymouth Church

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Central & Western Massachusetts Council Offering Special medieval Maidens Brownie Try-It Workshop

Thursday, Feb. 5 is the deadline to register for the special Medieval Maidens Brownie Try-It badge program offered exclusively by the Central & Western Massachusetts Girl Scout Council on Saturday, March 7 from 10 a.m. to 12;30 p.m.
TRY-IT INFO: The Middle Ages was an era of knights, fair ladies, princesses and castles. Girl swill learn about medieval times beyond the tales of adventure and make-believe and find out about the lives of girls and women during this time in history. Brownies will take a tour, do a craft, and have fun earning the exclusive "Medieval Maidens" Try-It, which will be distributed to Brownies that day.
Register directly with Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester by contacting Rhonda Houle at 508-853-6015 x20 or e-mail
Cost: $17 per Brownie, $8 per adult. No siblings.
Registration will remain open through Thursday, Feb. 5 or until 30 girls have registered.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Cookie sale time is now through January 16th: During this time your daughter may sell to family, friends, neighbors, team mates, teachers, your coworkers etc...
When your daughter sells in person remember:
* Always have adult supervision. Be safe!
* One box of cookies is $4
* Money is due upon DELIVERY of cookies, not at time of sale
* Wear your vest over your jacket to show that you are a Girl Scout - and proud of it!
* Troop earns $.60 per box sold.
* Self confidence is developed as girls practice selling cookies to familiar adults.
Why sell Girl Scout Cookies?
Girls can earn the 2009 Cookie Activity Pin to wear on your vest.
Other cookie sale incentive prizes include: bracelet kit, plush pony, t-shirt, and more!
Troop Award: When every girl in a troop sells at least 12 boxes of cookies the troop will earn a special Troop Journal scrapbook.

Cookies are expected to arrive in early February
Money is due in mid-March
Prizes are expected to arrive in late May.

Leaders with any cookie questions, should contact the yahoo group & Helene
Parents with any questions should contact their troop leader.