FROM: Kathy Cloninger, National CEO, GSUSA
RE: Fundraising for Haiti Earthquake Relief Efforts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The outpouring of support for the people of Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake last week has been remarkable, and Girl Scouts across the country have pitched in to help in many different ways. We know, however, that after natural disasters like these, sending funds is often the best way to help.
Given the catastrophic events in Haiti, the Executive Committee unanimously adopted, and the National Board this morning ratified, the following:
THAT the Executive Committee of Girl Scouts of the USA's National Board of Directors, on the National Board's behalf, adopts a special rule of order to allow girl members to engage in activities, which may include the direct solicitation of money, from January 14 through September 8, 2010, to support emergency relief for the January 12 earthquake disaster in Haiti. Monies raised shall be contributed only to organizations on the approved list of agencies (listed below); additions to the list shall be approved by the National President and CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA.
This now makes it possible for our girls to raise much needed funds for relief efforts in Haiti. Please take note that the money our girls raise can be contributed only to those agencies on the list below.Much of Haiti is in ruins and a second major earthquake struck the country on Wednesday. The loss of life and suffering has been heartbreaking. I hope that this action by the National Board will serve as yet another opportunity for all of us as a Movement to do what we can to help the people of Haiti in their time of need.
LIST OF AGENCIES:* The American Red Cross: The American Red Cross is accepting donations through its International Response Fund.
Pan American Development Foundation: The foundation is encouraging people to donate through its website at
*UNICEF: UNICEF requests donations for relief for children in Haiti via their Haiti Earthquake Fund. You can also call 1-800-4UNICEF.
Oxfam: You can donate to online at Oxfam America at
* Save The Children: Save the Children has launched an emergency relief effort for Haiti. Donate to Save the Children.
* Mercy Corps: Donate online, call 1-888-256-1900 or send checks to:
Mercy Corps Haiti Earthquake Fund, Dept NR, PO Box 2669, Portland, OR 97208
Doctors Without Borders: Doctors Without Borders has set up clinics to treat people in Haiti. Donate to Doctors Without Borders.
The UN World Food Programme: The UN World Food Programme is gathering all available resources to deliver food to the recently homeless and impoverished in Haiti. Donations can be made through
CARE: CARE is deploying emergency team members to Port-au-Prince to assist in recovery efforts. It's focusing its efforts on rescuing children who may still be trapped in schools that collapsed. Donate to CARE.
The International Rescue Committee: The International Rescue Committee is deploying an emergency response team to Haiti. Donate to the IRC Haiti Crisis Fund.
* World Vision: World Vision has more 370 staff members in the Haiti. Donate to World Vision.
United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF): This fund is used for emergencies like the earthquake in Haiti. Donate online.